Friday, May 16, 2008

Travel Time

Well as is so often the case once I leave the mountains it becomes all a bout getting home. Last night i drove till 10:45 and was too tired to do any blogging. I started out thinking about doing the same today, but at 7PM I punched "lodging " into the Garmin and called the number got the room and cooled my jets. Cellular one is really irking me big time. When I carried mu Verizon Phone I got calls in the park. Now I am in Wall South Dakota, Kind of a tourist mecca, and I heard the phone ring I answered and it disconnected, I tried to call back and the Network was overloaded.
THe head shot was taken by oxbow in the tetons, The bird was really cooperative. Photographed, a couple young moose and once I took a closer look at the pix I decided not to share, the one moose had been dined on and was missing some of the hind quarter, not a pretty sight
Stay tunned

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