Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Grizzly Photography project Wraps up today

I am going to be glad to get back to an area where the Weather Report means something, Were you have more that 9 channels on your cable TV, Were you can pick up a loaf of bread that is fresh and the ravens don't spit it out.
I have a email from someone who saw the wolf pictures and wants to include them in some visual attempt at getting the Grey Wolf re-established on the endangered list. Well I guess Not. Animals strike a balance when left alone so really to take it back to the base and start from there, its the people who have moved in and created the unbalance.
I am fairly comfortable knowing that when i can look back on my last 5 years of Photographic work and find numerous examples of Coyote and Grey wolf in my Portfolio. Before that I had one encounter near Taconite Harbor were I got a ghostly shot of a Greys Posterior going away. I think we are doing well as far as numbers are concerned. There are groups out here who monitor the park service radio plus have thier own two systems that do nothing but stand by the hour peering into high buck spotting scopes trying to catch a glimpse of a new wolf pup. even an adult. Funny thing is none of them has a camera. I guess a camera tells the tale as is, but retelling ones experience around the fire at night allows for a certain latitude of truth.

I have been really pleased with the results of the cameras and lens's, this is my first Canon only trip. Just to be politically correct however I still have my Nikon system. So no argument from me.
A couple things about photography, First clamping on a Telephoto does not give you infinity as a target distance. For example the sheeps head on the very top of this page was taken with a 400MM lens at about 20 Feet so regardless of the lens size or cost, you still have to get into position.
Secondly and most important Light, Photography is the capture of light. Now your modern camera Will give you proper exposure , but is the light isn't right the dynamics just aren't there.
Note the Sheep photo in the header and the one below it. Really nice light, No shadows, no hot spots just nice detail.
Well I am leaving here tomorrow and heading back towards Minnesota, It will take a few days but the porject is over.


Anonymous said...

Well done. I enjoyed following along on your trip. Travel safe.

Anonymous said...

Aint Dun Yet Gunna take several dayz to git home