Saturday, May 3, 2008

On the road again

Well it's out and go get em !
Left the house two days ago to start my dream trip. There were a lot of things going on since my retirement to hinder the begining, and Thursday morning didn't seem much different. There this to check and that to do. So rather than become frustrated, I simply left.
No inventory of things taken, no last sweep through the house, I just left.
So far I miss my thermos bottle and thats about it. Traveling across North Dakota, I had a sharp pange hit me that indicated I didn't have a tripod along, but a rest stop proved that fear wrong. Its amazing how much stuff you drag along but don't use !
Normaly I take out all the seats and put in a big air mattress with sleeping bag. Who was I kidding ? I did that for three years and never slept on it. I tried once in a rest stop , but kept popping up to look out the window everytime I heard a sound. Forget that !

I did pick up a navigational device before leaving town and it has proved invaluable. I took my son Erics lead and purchased the Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS. Its great ! Want food push the food button, it gives you a list of resturants, pick one and a voice tells you how to get there, If you goof or the roads have changed, the voice gives you a mild scolding and recalculates.
I found a whole foods Coop 100 miles away and it took me right to the door.

The last few times I came out west I took the "Southern Route" Which is to say through the cities, past all the nice camera shops and on to Souix Falls and out to the black hills, after buying the Garmin I though better of exposing myself to more temptation and went the "Northern route". Some time yesterday while leaving North Dakota, I switched the XM Sat radio top the weather channel and found out had I gone South I would be buried in snow in Rapid City . Call it luck, divine intervention , whatever I was driving on dry pavement with sun glasess .

1 comment:

salmobyfly said...

Dun Wurkin,
Nice start. Can't wait for the images to start rolling in.
