Saturday, May 10, 2008

Somebody Tell Me What Day it is ?

This has been one of those days. No details but you all know what i mean. People seem to be schooled in the fine art of how to bug you.and in all reality We should not even notice them. I will shortly go to the Grocery store and get some ice and raw potatoes and eat in the room. although if the waitress at the Town Cafe is the same one as last night I should go there.. Full blown Floor show and no Cover charge. She set the land speed record for exerting the most energy and getting either nothing or the wrong thing done. I think I had a Buffalo burger.

I must tell you of one of the "buggers" I saw today. This guy with his huge 4 wheel drive truck seemed to be in front of me too much of the time. I finally exited to another dimension and lost him. For grins and giggles I took the road down toward Tower Falls and in a Big parking lot there he was. All the right stuff. Photo shirts, pants,underwear and socks. Photo hat . and a huge Lens with a new Canon hanging on it, the best carbon fiber tripod and gimble mount. Plus to be sure he didn't miss anything, he was carrying a set up like mine just to be armed in the parking lot. Well He had an audience and they were hanging on every word. truth of the matter is there was no reason to have the big glass out were he was, everything was either too far or too close. thats why he carried the "little outfit "
I think he was a guy with lots of money. Good Pro Photographers look like they have been working in a 10 minute lube joint. No fancy nothing everything is well worn and lens hood are homemade from Oatmeal boxes and flat black paint, Oh well as long as he was happy.
The other thing about Pro Photographers I have met is they are down to earth, never blow thier own horn and drive a suburban with a metal platform with 10 inch sides on top of the "burb" this is useful for gaining altitude, and carrying junk.
It was a slow photo day, I did catch the Grizz back on the carcass again and got a few shots. That was early this morning where I experienced the first of the Foghorns. " Yeh Old Roger would NEVER find animals if it wasn't for me". Blah Blah Blah. Whats so tuff about watching the sky for ravens , or the road ahead for traffic Jams ?
The rest was kind of a wasted day. Which we have from time to time.
I haven't decided where I am going next or how long i will stay here. So stay tuned ! Over and Out DW

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