Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And Then There was Rain

Woke to see grey skies and water puddles. Bad photo day. staying in the condo all day and watching TV didn't cut it. So I ask Garmin where I could find a photo shop. It told me Bozeman so off we went. Incredible right to the front door. Got some good info and swapped lies there for a while then headed back to West Yellowstone via Ennis and Virginia City. Now we are talking Old west towns.
Taking this route I visited the 3 dollar bridge over the Madison River. When I first started coming out west my boys came along and fished. Well 3 dallor bridge was a for sure stop. The original bridge is gone, an old wooden job with no railings. See the photo in the slide show to get a better look and the new bridge.
Got back to west yellowstone at 4 Pm and decided to take a quick trip into the park. 2 miles in ran into sleet, then snow so I parked by the river and took a nap. The pressures of retirement and getting to me !

T-Mos I don't have your Phone number, I think you went to Cell only , Get me an update OK ?


Anonymous said...

That sure is a fancy new bridge. It looks like hell for a backcast, though. Is the paybox still there?

Anonymous said...

Yes the Paybox is there and after studying the area for a while it looks like its gone commercial, crap all over the place at the top of the hill by the road